Dr. Johnny Wong
- Professor Emeritus
Johnny Wong is a Professor & Associate Chair of the Computer Science Department and Information Assurance and Human Computer Interaction Programs at Iowa State University. His research interests include Software Systems & Networking, Security & Medical Informatics. He is also the President/CEO of a startup company EndoMetric Corporation, with products for Medical Informatics. He has served as a member of program committee of various international conferences on software systems and computer networking. He was the program co-Chair of the COMPSAC 2006 and General co-Chair of the COMPSAC 2008 conference, the IEEE Signature Conference on Computer Software and Applications. He was also the Program co-Chair of ICOST 2008 and is currently General co-Chair of SAINT 2012. He has served as external grant reviewers for NSF and journal and conference papers reviewers for various journals and conferences. Currently, his research work is supported by 4 federal grants: 3 from NSF and 1 from HHS.
- Ph.D., University of Sydney, NSW Australia, 1987
- M.S., University of Sydney, NSW Australia, 1982
- B.S., The University of Hong Kong, 1977
- Member, IEEE Computer Society
- Member, ACM